
时间:2022-10-09 09:06:57 英语句子 我要投稿




  青春梦想英文语录 1


  All activists are dreamers.


  Suffering can't stop the dream forward.


  Dream, is a gift from Zeus.


  The realization of the ideal on dry alone, without talking.


  The past belongs to death, and that the future belongs to yourself.


  The place which the ideal is in, the hell maybe a heaven.


  Killed the ideal of talent is the most evil of the murderer.


  The ideal of life is for ideal life.


  Will know how to share happiness, to double happiness.


  Mythology is the dream, the dream is the myth of private.


  For young people, the future is a wonderland.


  Dream once put into action, will become holy.


  Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you.


  In the way of dream, a person to also want to go to the end!


  We can accept failure, but we can not accept to give up.


  Make successful visual vision board, deepen the impression.


  The application of dream to real things, there is the civilization.


  Filled with the spirit of youth, will not disappear so easily.


  Dream won't light, light is dream of you.


  The so-called great cause, is to make your dreams come true.


  Climb to take the bull by the horns, realize the ideal to have the courage to struggle.


  As wish to inspire dreams, dreams can also stimulate the desire.


  Did not cause any action of thought is not ideas but the dream.


  The most important thing in life is not hard, not struggle, but choice.


  Even if you did not get it, you still is the dream of my life.


  In fact you I this dream, spirit number already exert, again also useless.


  Everyone's life is a boat, the dream is the sail of the boat.


  Dream just because of can't reach, let people crazy.


  A man who never doubt life direction and goal, never despair.


  Dream is a commitment to the future, rather than an empty slogan.


  Dare to dream, have the courage to dream, the world belongs to pursue forever.


  You may obtain the world with love; you also may lose the world with hate.


  A person of no great ideal, just like a machine without the motor.


  Dream is a kind of desire, think it is a kind of action. Dream is a dream and want to crystallization.


  Dream like a neverending gulls, fly freely in the sea world.


  Dream is good, but there is no will, dream is just a fleeting moment rainbow.


  Ordinary simple dream, we used the only adhere to the belief to support the dream.


  Goals, if a person is not sure, any wind is not so for him.


  Ideal is good, but there is no will, ideal rainbow is but a fleeting moment.


  Dream is eternal faith, is the spirit of struggle, the dream is hot pursuit.


  If a person heart and even more spectacular action is not great.


  The value of a person, should see his contribution? And should not see what he's achieved.


  I will to love and to strive for a distant hope, and this until the dream come true.


  I want to continue to madness, my dream life, rather than people expect.


  Think sensitized and become wonderful life, dream thought bumpy and carefully.


  No matter when, as long as possible, you are supposed to "imitate" yourself, be yourself.


  Let ideal navigation for your life, let knowledge for you to add power, do a successful person!


  Not everyone's dream come true, not everyone's dream will interpret a dream.


  If one does not know he wants to which port, then any wind is favorable.


  Your life is not ideal in the bosom, wait until the end of the world will not be found faithful friend.


  No money is not necessarily a person is rich, but if the person did not have the dream, this man is poor.


  Now everything is for the future of dream weaving wings, let the dream fly in reality.


  The pursuit of a dream is consistently strong, even if there are too many difficulties and obstacles on the road, the thorns bumpy.


  Dream is the extension and expansion of life; Dream is the motive force of human progress. Dream is the source of creation.


  Ideal is a solid pillar in life, if lost the ideal of life and spirit will also go and paralysis.


  Dream is the cornerstone of success to help others; Dream is inspiring power; Dream is the source of courage.


  Dream character not only on the material need to meet, to get performance on the satisfaction of spiritual purport.


  Say it will be laughed at dream, just have the value of practice. Even fell and posture will also be very bold.


  Can be devoted to the cause of his own country, the struggle for the realization of the ideal, but this is the most glorious thing.


  Dream is among ourselves, and at the same time, Yin hinder our obstacles to make my dream come true, is also in our own.

  青春梦想英文语录 2

  1、 a goal is a dream with a deadline.


  2、 your future depends on your dreams.


  3、 your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep.


  4、 the wandering footsteps let others crush the dream of a better tomorrow, there is no good things must come to an end. maybe this world is really only hazy is true.


  5、 dream like you’ll live forever,live like you you’ll die today --mahatma gandhi


  6、 everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason . if the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are.


  7、 as long as the persistent dream can become a reality. we do not live in a dream?


  8、 do not be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.


  9、 for the love of life,so everything for the dream to pay is worth it.


  10、 you got a dream, you gotta protect it. if you want something, go get it.


  11、 no dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small.


  12、 as long as we dare to dream and don't get in the way of ourselves, anything is possible--there's truly no end to where our dreams can take us.


  13、 everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason.


  14、 once you have a dream,just go for it,never give it up easily;your dream might not come true in one day or two,but it will someday.


  15、 many peoplestart a career with a dream, then get busy forgetting it.


  16、 don't let your dreams just be dreams.


  17、 some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it.


  18、 the dream was always running ahead of me. to catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.


  19、 don’t be pushed by your problems. be led by your dreams. live the life you want to live. be the person you want to remember years from now.


  20、 dream is the starting line of our actions, knowledge is our forward accelerator, we insist that it is non-stop pace, wisdom is our key to success.


  青春梦想英文语录 3

  1, accident and tomorrow do not know which comes first. No crisis is the biggest crisis, to meet the status quo is the biggest trap.

  2, the ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, broken not curium complement; ideal is the flower, withered can open again.

  3, the more noble a man's ideal, the purer his life. ?

  4. The ideal is within ourselves, and at the same time, the obstacles that prevent us from achieving our ideals are within ourselves.

  5, the business can control efforts and investment, but can not control the results. When life is proud, find a way out, frustrated when there is retreat, BMW has a spare tire, your life?

  6, if people framed themselves in a certain range, it is easy to limit their thinking and pattern.

  7, how many talented losers in the world, there are many highly educated homeless — because of the wrong choice.

  8. The true joy of life is the commitment to a goal which one considers to be great.

  9, dream as long as it can endure, can become reality. Don't we live in dreams?

  10, a career pursuit of people, you can dream higher. Although the beginning is a dream, but as long as do not give up easily, dreams can come true.

  11, is an ideal source of strength, wisdom, the cradle of charge standard, Zhanji sword.

  12, life is unsuccessful, success is temporary; success in life, success is temporary.

  13, we are great because of our dreams. All the winners are dreamers. We dream of the future in the winter night, beside the fire, in the cloudy rain, in the fog. Some people let the dream quietly extinction, some people are careful cultivation and maintenance, until it survive and usher in a bright light and hope and hope, and always comes to those who believe that the dream will be come true people.

  14, no goal, always for the goal of the people to work hard.

  15, the past belongs to death, and the future belongs to itself. ?

  16, how far can life go, see who walks with; how great achievements, see who pointing.

  17, reading ten thousand books is better than walking thousands of miles, traveling thousands of miles is better than reading countless people, reading countless people, as teachers guide. Classics division is easy to get, person division is hard to find.

  18, no matter how vague dream, always lurking in our hearts, so that our state of mind will never be quiet, until these dreams become a reality.

  19, the ideal lost, the flowers of youth will wither, because the ideal is the youth of light and heat.

  20, people's ideals and aspirations are often in direct proportion to his abilities.

  青春梦想英文语录 4

  1、When there’s no expectation, losing won’t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised.不去期望。失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。

  2、While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。

  3、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

  4、You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday.如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。

  5、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。

  6、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。

  7、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。

  8、Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones.有时候,你的计划不奏效,是因为上天有更好的安排。

  9、Where there is life, there is hope. 生命不息,希望常在。

  10、Nothing for nothing. 不费力气,一无所得。

  11、Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

  12、If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。

  13、If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead.如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。

  14、I will greet this day with love in my heart. 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天

  15、I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away.我喜欢这样的时刻:我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。

  16、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own. 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain)

  17、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

  18、How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke 一辈子,有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去?

  19、Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence.被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。

  20、Do what you say,say what you do 做你说过的,说你能做的

  21、An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

  22、All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人

  23、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。

  24、A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world.爱情是两个人的事,与旁人无关。

  青春梦想英文语录 5

  1. When I say I know you,I mean I knew you yesterday. I do not know you actually now。


  ——Kaishnamurti 克里什纳默尔迪

  2.Wonders are many,and nothing is more wonderful then man。


  3.The proper function of man is to live,but not to exist。

  人应该生活,而非单纯生存。--Jack London

  4.If you smile when one is around,you really mean it。

  如果你独自一人笑了,那是真心的笑。--Andy Rooney

  5.There is a time to speak and a time to be silent。


  6.The worst bankrupt is the person who lost his enthusiasm。


  -- H.W.Arnold H.W。阿诺德

  7.It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime,but at night it is another thing。


  --Hemingway 海明威

  8. To err is human,to forgive,divine。

  人皆犯错,你能原谅别人,你就是圣人。 --Pope 蒲柏

  9.There is an unconscious heeling procewithin the mind which mends up in spite of our desperate determination never to forget。


  ——Colleen McCullough 科林·麦卡洛

  10.In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it。


  ——Oscar Wildle 奥斯卡·王尔德

  11.Naked came I into this world,and naked must I go out。


  ——Cervantes 塞万提斯

  12.Passion,though a bad regulator,is a powerful spring。


  ——Emerson 爱默生

  13.Carve your name on hearts and not on marbles。


  ——Joseph Addison 约瑟夫·艾迪生

  14. I can resist everything except temptation。


  ——Oscar wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德

  15.What is a man's first duty? The answer is brief: To be himself。


  ——Henrik Ibsen 易卜生

  16. The love of country is the first virtue in a civilized man。


  —— Napoleon 拿破仑

  17. We can only love what we know and we can never know completely what we do not love。


  ——A.L.Huxley A.L。赫胥黎

  18.A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face;a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form。


  ——Emerson 爱默生

  19.Man is,Properly speaking,based upon hope;he has no other posseession but hope。


  ——Thomas Caarlyle 托马斯·卡莱尔

  20.Man must look just as ridiculous to the crab when it sees him walkforward。


  ——G.c.Lichtenberg G.C。利希滕贝格

  21.All men whilst they are awake are in one common world;but each of them,when he is asleep,is in a world of his own。


  ——Plutarch 普卢塔克

  22. Everyone is a moon,and has a dark side which he never shows in anybody。


  ——Mark Twain 马克·吐温

  25.Do not rejoice over anyone's death;remember that we all must die。


  ——Apocrypha 阿波克拉弗

  26. As long as any man exists,there is some need of him;let him fight for his own。


  ——Cicero 西塞罗

  27. Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth。


  ——Franklin D.Roosevelt 富兰克林·D·罗斯福

  28.The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies from him, and to fly from all that pursue him。


  ——Voltaire 伏尔泰

  青春梦想英文语录 6

  1、“Two gates there are for dreams,” said Penelope to Odysseus after his ten years' wandering had ended. “One made for horn and one of for ivory. The dreams that pass through the carved ivory delude and bring us tales that turn to naught;those that can come through polished horn accomplish real things whenever seen.”


  2、The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.


  3、Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don't believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you're wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.


  4、Dreams don't abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing, you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream.


  5、Most of the time, our rich pocket, but poor head; we have a dream, but the lack of thought.


  6、When you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you finish it.


  7、The pursuit of a cause of the people, can “dream” doing higher. Although at the beginning of a dream, but as long as you keep doing, do not easily give up, dreams can come true.


  8、With a burning desire to achieve the dream as a backing, so that the desire to become enthusiastic, let it become your brain in one of the most important things.


  9、Who has the material to survive, people have a dream only talk about life. You have to understand life and life different Animal survival, while others life.


  10、The dream is the other shore, the reality is that on this side, action is the bridge connecting.


  11、Youth is to prepare the material, want to build a bridge to the moon, or on the ground and two palaces or temples. Middle age, finally decided to put up a shed.


  12、Plain ordinary dream, we used the only adhere to the belief to support the dream.


  13、To accomplish great things, in addition to dream, must act.


  14、No matter what age, the characteristics of young people always embrace the ideals and illusions. This is not anything wrong, but a valuable quality.


  15、The poor man is not the man without a cent, but the man without a dream.


  16、It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday, today is the hope, but also can become tomorrow's reality.


  17、Every life is a boat, the dream is the boat sail.


  18、As wishes may inspire dreams, so dreams may inspire wishes.


  19、Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. It is not enough that a thing be possible for it to be believed.


  20、everything i do is just to weave my wings for my dream now so that it can hover in the real world.


  21、How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerate of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of this.


  22、To get what I want, I will get better.


  23、To me, they hide in the depths of your soul; be a distant dream, every dream will exceed your goal.


  24、Human nature is the most pathetic: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today in our window open rose.


  25、A heart will not be hurt for pursuing a dream, when you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you complete the.


  26、Everything is now for the future of dream weaving wings, soar to great heights to dream in reality.


  27、The dream is not a dream, the difference between the two usually have a very worth pondering the distance.


  28、Sometimes your dreams of achieving is a kind of happiness, sometimes the dream is also a kind of happiness.


  29、A person rich money is not certain, but if the man is not a dream, the poor people.


  青春梦想英文语录 7

  1、 dream is the starting line of our actions, knowledge is our forward accelerator, we insist that it is non-stop pace, wisdom is our key to success.梦想是我们行动的起跑线,知识是我们前进的加速器,坚持是我们不停的步伐,智慧是我们成功的法宝。

  2、 your future depends on your dreams.你的梦想决定着你的未来。

  3、 your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep.所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

  4、 the wandering footsteps let others crush the dream of a better tomorrow, there is no good things must come to an end. maybe this world is really only hazy is true.让别人徘徊的脚步踩碎你明天美好的梦想,天下没有不散的宴席。也许这人间真的只有朦朦胧胧才是真。

  5、 dream like you’ll live forever,live like you you’ll die today --mahatma gandhi 梦想吧,一如你将永生,生活吧,一如你今天就会死去-甘地

  6、 everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason . if the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are.一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。

  7、 as long as the persistent dream can become a reality. we do not live in a dream?梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗?

  8、 do not be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.别为问题牵着鼻子走;让梦想为你带路吧。

  9、 for the love of life,so everything for the dream to pay is worth it.因为热爱生活,所以一切为了梦想的付出都是值得的?。

  10、 you got a dream, you gotta protect it. if you want something, go get it.——如果你有梦想的话,就要去扞卫它;如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现。

  11、 no dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small. 梦想再大也不嫌大,追梦的人再小也不嫌小。

  12、 as long as we dare to dream and don't get in the way of ourselves, anything is possible--there's truly no end to where our dreams can take us.——只要我们敢梦想,并不被自己所阻,一切都有可能——梦想无止境。

  13、 everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason . 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。

  14、 once you have a dream,just go for it,never give it up easily;your dream might not come true in one day or two,but it will someday.一旦你有梦想,就要去争取,永远都不要轻易放弃,你的梦想可能不会在一两天实现,但某一天一定会.坚持到最后的就是真正的赢家.

  15、 many peoplestart a career with a dream, then get busy forgetting it.很多人一开始为了梦想而忙,后来忙得忘了梦想。

  16、 don't let your dreams just be dreams. 别让你的梦想只是梦想。

  17、 some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it。有些人还在继续梦想成功时,另一些人却已经醒来努力为之奋斗了。

  18、 the dream was always running ahead of me. to catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.梦想总是跑在我前面,追寻它们,乃至仅有一瞬间的与梦想合而为一,也都是动人的生命奇迹。

  19、 don’t be pushed by your problems. be led by your dreams. live the life you want to live. be the person you want to remember years from now——推动你向前的,不是困难,而是梦想。过一种你想要的生活,做一个许多年后值得回忆的人。

  20、 a goal is a dream with a deadline.目标是有期限的梦想。

  21、 you are my dream that beyond my reach .but i never ever give up the dream.你是我触及不到的梦想。而我,从来不放弃梦想。

  22、 try not to dream your life, but live your dream. 别只梦想未来的生活,试着去活出你的梦想。

  23、 never let the reality get in the way of your dreams. 别让现实挡住了梦想的去路。

  24、 don`t give up when you are able to fly, dream and love.——当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。

  25、 a man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 当遗憾取代了梦想,我们就开始苍老。

  26、 in pursuit of the dream in the sky, even if broken wings, the heart also want to learn to fly.在人生追寻梦想的天空里,即使翅膀断了,心也要学会飞翔。

  27、 a dream you dream alone is only a dream. a dream you dream together is reality. 独自一个人的梦,不过是梦想。拥有一起做梦的人,梦想才会成为现实。

  28、 this moment will nap, you will have a dream; but this moment study, you will interpret a dream. ——此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。

  29、 "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."未来属于那些相信自己美丽梦想的人。

  30、 dream is worth every child yould sad thoughts. 梦想是值得每个孩子每时每刻忧伤的念头。

  31、 face the past with the least lamentation, face present with the least waste and with the most dream to face future.用最少的悔恨面对过去,用最少的浪费面对现在,用最多的梦想面对未来。

  32、 dream is the starting line of our actions, knowledge is our forward accelerator, we insist that it is non-stop pace, wisdom is our key to success.梦想是我们行动的起跑线,知识是我们前进的加速器,坚持是我们不停的步伐,智慧是我们成功的法宝。

  33、 the dream is one of the treasures of the natural human, it waits for you cherish and practice.梦想是人们与生俱来的重要宝物之一,它等待你的珍视和实践。

  34、 the dream of this thing and the classic, never fade because of the time, but even more precious.梦想这东西和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵。

  35、 happy man with a dream, dream to work on, did not reach, but no grudges. - "i am a special forces"有梦想的人是幸福的,而为了梦想去努力,虽然没有达到,却无怨无。——《我是特种兵》

  36、 human life is, first life becomes a scientific dream, then the dream becomes reality.人的一生就是这样,先把人生变成一个科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。

  37、 some people say: the ideal is the ideal, may not be able to achieve. i thought that the ideal will be able to realize a dream can not be realized.有人说:理想是理想,未必能实现。我以为理想必能实现,不能实现的是梦想。

  38、 if the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count. 心中有目标,风雨不折腰。

  39、 dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。

  40、 to accomplish great things, we need to not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.为成就大事,我们需要的不只是行动,还要梦想,不只是计划,还要相信。

  41、 face the past with the least regrets, face the present with the least waste and face the future with the most dreams.不后悔过往,不浪费现在,满怀梦想,面对未来。

  42、 the biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.人生最大的冒险就是过你梦想的生活。

  43、 you got a dream, you gotta protect it. people can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.if you want something, go get it. 如果你有梦想,守护它。 当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会说你也同样不能。既然有了目标,你就要努力实现。——《当幸福来敲门》

  44、 never give up your dreams. miracles happen everyday——别放弃梦想,奇迹每天都在上演。

  45、 dream like you’ll live forever,live like you you’ll die today --mahatma gandhi. 梦想吧,一如你将永生,生活吧,一如你今天就会死去--甘地





梦想青春励志 句子09-10




